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Rebecca Hutchinson b&w

Bachelor of Science in Interior Design

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”
– Steve Jobs


As the oldest of four daughters, I grew up with significant responsibility placed on my shoulders. I was expected to make good decisions, be a good influence, and take care of my three little sisters. When my family moved often, we were each other's only constant friends regardless of where we lived. This experience influenced my decision to become an interior designer even though I did not know it at first. First, I make design decisions that safeguard the wellbeing of each person who enters the space. By implementing evidence based design regarding issues such as lighting and sustainability I can maximize the pleasurable experience people have within the built environment. Second, I love interior design because it allows me to leave a lasting positive impact on people without ever meeting them. I enjoy working behind the scenes to create environments that deserve attention themselves. Third, and most importantly, I design spaces that take care of the people in them as if they were as important to me as my own little sisters.

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