Art has always been something that I’ve loved. Even as a small child I loved to draw and paint. As I got older, I got more interested in painting and began using it as an emotional outlet. Art is something that I can still do when I’m happy or depressed, tired or alert, angry or content. I have found that acrylic paint is my favorite medium, but I also love charcoal, printmaking, and ceramics. Traditional still lifes and nature are some of my favorite subjects to create. I am always eager to learn new ways to make art.
My goal for my art is to reach people with something other than words. I feel like God has called me to help people that deal with mental health problems. Dealing with anxiety most of my life, I have found it more calming to receive an uplifting message through something other than words from someone else. If I can make people feel hope and joy, and let them know that they are not alone in what they are going through, that’s another way I get to fulfill my calling.

I believe teaching is more than just walking into a classroom every day and teaching students a subject. I believe that teaching involves students learning life skills, respect, and that there is someone in the world who loves them. Teachers may not get paid to love and care for the students, but I think it is part of the job. I also believe that there are no “bad” students. When children are acting out, it is not because they get satisfaction from hurting someone else’s feelings or physically pushing them down. That student is looking for a way to get attention. All they want is for someone to look at them and love them, and that does not make them a bad child. That makes them human. Teaching a child that they cannot let how they feel spill out in their actions is telling them that they cannot have feelings at all.
I believe that students will learn the best from a teacher that they like. I want to be able to have fun in my classroom, but still keep things under control. I do believe in having classroom rules, but not only rules like stay seated, do not talk, or raise your hand. I think having rules like say please and thank you, say yes ma’am and yes sir, and other qualities will help the students in their future. I want educated, respectful, and creative students to come out of my classroom as they move on to the next grade or the next stage in their lives. In order to do that, students have to respect me enough to listen to me. I will keep my word to my students, tell them the truth, and always do my best to be fair. I also want to create multiple ways for students to show me what they have learned other than giving them a test. Not everyone tests well, and I do not think this is a fair way to grade, especially if the student is trying their best and improving. I believe that every student is smart, some in one way and others in different ways, but none are stupid.
I am a Christian, so I intend on showing my students Christ’s love in any way that I can. Sometimes something as small as holding a real conversation with a student about their weekend can show they that I care about them. I always want my students to know that they can come to me at any time when they are in need or just need a listening ear. I want my classroom to be a safe place for all students to come and be themselves, the way Christ made them. I want them to know that they never have to pretend to be something that they are not. I want to share my story of my past depression problems with my kids so they can feel safe with me if they ever find themselves in that same boat. I want my students to know that there is always someone who understands them and loves them. Having depression is what drove me towards my art and my dream of being an artist. Art was and is something that I use to express my feelings when I had no one to talk to about my problems. I want my students to learn that there is always a good and healthy way to get through life’s problems, especially when they have help from someone that they can trust.
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Art Education
Quote: “Hope for the sunshine tomorrow after the darkness is gone.” –“Whispering Hope” by Septimus Winner

