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Mississippi College
Senior Exhibition
The Gore Gallery
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Andrea Lindsay
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design
Bailey Wright
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design
Brittany Bradley
Bachelor of Science in Art Education
Emily Neely
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design
Emily Pearson
Bachelor of Science in Art Education
Isakiel Griffin
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design
Levi Lennard
Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design with a Marketing Concentration
Mackenzie Ricks
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design
Marlee Schaefer
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design
Melodi Edwards
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Sculpting with a History Minor
Molly Ehrhardt
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design
Nicholas Leach
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art with a Graphic Design Minor
Ramey Hogue
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design
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